Minnesota Multi-StatePermit To Carry Course
This class is delivered live online by Mike Treat, and includes one 4.5-hour live instructor-led webinar and one in-person live course of fire qualification at a local gun range. This course fulfils the requirement needed to apply for a Minnesota Permit to Carry. Topics covered include legal criteria for carrying a handgun, self defense laws, firearm safety, firearm handling, personal safety strategies, and the state required life course of fire.
Preparatory Pistol
This class is delivered in-person by Mike Treat and introduces students to basic handgun operation skills. This is a great course for new and experienced handgun shooters alike to develop handgun shooting fundamentals. This course will also help students to get more out of future handgun training courses they may wish to attend with local and national trainers. Topics covered include applied gun safety practices, firearm handling and manipulation drills, holster work, diagnosing shooting performance, clearing malfunctions, and marksmanship.
Revolver Skills
The revolver is not an antiquated firearm of a bygone era. Despite its real and perceived limitations, it is still a viable self-defense option. This activity-packed course is delivered in-person by Mike Treat. Topics covered include revolver history, types of revolvers, applied gun safety, handling, shooting fundamentals, marksmanship, methods of carry, defensive skills, and basic revolver maintenance and care.
Defensive Handgun
Buying and carrying a handgun alone will not prepare you to deal with encountering deadly threats. This class is delivered in-person by Mike Treat and introduces students to critical knowledge and skills that come with responsibly carrying and using a handgun for self-defense. Topics covered include gun safety practices, gun handling, concealed carry techniques, legal issues of deadly force, threat assessment, defense tactics, defensive marksmanship, movement, and weapon retention.
Defensive Shotgun
This class is delivered in-person by Mike Treat, and will cover the effectiveness and viability of the shotgun as a personal defense option. Topics covered include gun safety rules, handling, basic operation, ammo selection, zeroing, patterning, loading techniques, movement, shooting, and so much more.